Honors Merit Scholarships–A Quick Review

Alabama lots of test score/gpa $$; full ride nm finalist
Appalachian St 10 full rides Chancellors Scholarship
Arizona avg in state hon $11-13k; avg OOS, $25-30k; stackable
Arizona State at least full tuition for national scholars; most also
have additional awards; no cap for national scholars
Arkansas 10k a year to NM finalists
Auburn many awards based on test and gpa
up to $18k per year
Central Florida Benacquisto full ride NM finalists; enrolls many national scholars
Clemson 10 full rides through honors college, very competitive
OOS avg is $5k – $12k without national award
Col of Charleston ALL honors students receive some merit scholarship
Colorado Presidential scholarship 4 year value $55k
Colorado St Up to $4k year in state; up to $10k yr OOS
Connecticut several are limited to conn residents
Delaware Distinguished hon scholars range from tuition to full ride
Florida Benacquisto full ride NM Finalist
Florida Atlantic Benacquisto full ride NM Finalist
Florida International Benacquisto full ride NM Finalist
Florida St Benacquisto full ride NM Finalist
Georgia Foundation fellows about 20 close to full ride
very competitive
Houston full ride still possible
Illinois Provost full tuition; President’s $10k/yr; Stamps full ride
all above are in state
Indiana OOS $1k to $10k
Iowa 99% honors students get a merit award, many w Old Gold
Scholarship $8500 in state $10k OOS
JMU Dingledine Bluestone $12,230/yr; Madison $4k-$10k
Kansas $10k in state; in state tuition OOS; other misc awards
Kentucky Singletary and Patterson, full tuition + $10k housing
Patterson is for NM finalists
Maryland Banneker Key full ride
Massachusetts most honors students receive some modest merit $$
Michigan up to $20k/yr OOS. VERY competitive.
Michigan St honors college scholarship can be $13k/yr also
add ons for NM and other honors scholarships; also
$5k to $15k yearly acc to SAT and gpa OOS
Minnesota $10k yr NM finalists; maroon and gold $24k MN residents
Mississippi full ride NM finalist and almost s
Missouri Mizzou Scholars $10k in state only; Stamps full ride rare
Nebraska chancellors or regents full tuition NM or equiv stats
Nevada Reno NM finalist $16k not whether in state OOS or both
New College of Florida Benacquisto full ride NM finalists
NC Chapel Hill Morehead-Cain and Robertson premier awards. Full ride
equivalent for both. Extremely competitive.
NC State Park Scholars full ride but few and almost all in state or
Ohio U Cutler Scholarships in engineering, full cost; Cutler from colleges of
A&S, Business, Education, Fine Arts $23k per year
Ohio St Eminence Fellows 21 in most recent class full ride hon program
Oklahoma full ride now tied to very high test scores 1560ish
NM finalists $19k in state and $35k OOS
Oklahoma St full ride NM finalist; others acc to test and gpa
Oregon Stamps full ride equiv; presidential $9k per year
Penn St at least $5k for ALL Schreyer students, mostly in state
Pitt Chancellors scholarships (15) full ride equiv
Purdue Trustees scholarship $10k in state $16k OOS
Rutgers merit range $3500 to $26750
South Carolina full ride ~70 per year; McNair Scholars, also Horseshoe for honors
South Florida Benacquisto full ride NM Finalist
UT Chattanooga Brocks scholars all get $2k a year extra
Tennessee Several. In state $28-$48k; OOS $40k-$72k.
Volunteer scholarship; Hope scholarship.
Texas A&M NM finalists $7500 a year; Brown Foundation close
to full ride NM semifinalists in STEM; very competive
Texas Tech full ride nm finalists; other $$ based on scores gpa
UAB national scholars full tuition plus 1 yr housing+perks
8 semesters
Utah Presidential Scholarship in state and OOS tuition + housing award
UT Austin a few merit awards thru Plan II; some big UT awards include
Forty Acres Scholars full ride 15-20/yr. In state w family income of
$65k or less, free tuition in state; Terry Scholars ~$20k;
family income $125k or less and “need” also eligible
These are known as Texas Advance Scholarships
UT Dallas LOTS of merit scholarships and full rides possible NM finalists,
McDermott, Collegium Honors, Terry
Vermont several from $7k to $20k per year
VCU Presidential scholarship close to full ride
Virginia Tech Presidential for in state hon students with need;  85/yr
first gen, pell, family size and other fafsa factors involved
Washington honors tuition scholarship in state; also partial tuition
offset for OOS honors students; very competitive
Washington St NM finalists tuition scholarship plus $4k
Wisconsin most scholarships by college or department; also many
have need-based factors